Meet the TutorGNV Team!

Math & Science Tutors

Our team provides a wide variety of math & science tutoring services!

Math tutoring for students at all levels from K – college

High school & college-level biology, chemistry, physics, and environmental science

ACT/SAT/FSA/GRE test prep

Assistant Professor of Instruction (Mechanical Engineering), USF

High School Math Teacher

Retired Math Teacher

Doctoral Candidate

Doctoral Candidate

Middle School Technology Teacher

Doctoral Candidate

Doctoral Candidate

Doctoral Candidate

Math Teacher

Science Teacher

Math Teacher

Elementary & Language Arts Tutors

Our team of certified teachers provides a variety of services for language arts & elementary students!

Language arts & math tutoring for students in K- 5

Language arts for students in middle & high school

Middle & High School ELA Teacher

Elementary Math Teacher

Elementary Teacher

Retired Language Arts Teacher

Elementary Teacher

Retired Elementary Teacher

Elementary Teacher

Elementary Teacher

Elementary Teacher

Elementary Teacher

Elementary Teacher

Elementary Teacher


TutorGNV "Mathscot"

Ginger is a hypoallergenic, non-shedding pup who happily greets students at the door and then quietly sits in her favorite rocking chair during sessions. Ginger is a comforting presence for students who may feel anxious about math and being in a new environment. Her sweet nature puts students at ease.